Saturday, August 13, 2011

Excuse the poor grammar and spelling errors-I'm half asleep and half in la la land.

Ahhh, a mixed emotion day. Work was lovely-ish. A bit frazzling, but that is just because people are stupid. And annoying. And stupid. haha But I guess that is all apart of working retail; yaaaaaaay >_<

Anywho, I am in a thinking mood. Or, some sort of mood that just wants to ramble about what I have been thinking about, so that is what I am going to do.
Recently, I have been thinking more seriously about what on earth I want to do with my life. Like serious life planning :P And I am not much for future planning; I know that things getting effed up or turn out better than expected, so it usually just seems pointless to me. However, having filled out my application for school loans and such, I have come to realize that life (at least these next couple years of it) are going to be too darn expensive to just go willy-nilly through them. They deserve attention and planning. So that's what I did. Or started to do anyways.
I really enjoy languages. I love learning how other people think and learn and live and the like, and learning/knowing their language is a really good stepping stone to understanding them. I have had so many instances in life where I know if I could've just spoken even a few words of someone's language, I would have been able to help them so much more. This is kind of a side note, but one thing that really pisses me off is when someone just doesn't take the time to try to figure out what someone who isn't as skilled in English is trying to say. More often than not, if you actually understand how English is different from other languages (like grammar wise) and if you have a decent vocabulary yourself, figuring out what they are trying to say is not difficult at all! Anywho, back to whatever I was saying before; I think I am in a" making a difference/helping the world" phase. Kind of that whole "be the change you want to see in the world" thing. It just bugs me that people don't take the time to understand others; that people don't consider what background others come from when dealing with them. Iunno, is this ramble making sense? If you are reading this and don't understand, ASK QUESTIONS! I want to interact with people :P
I have no clue if this is the appropriate time to start a new paragraph or not, but I am going to. For school now, I am thinking about doing a major in modern languages with a minor in east asian studies. Just a thought though. I change my mind a lot. :P
There's a lot more rumbling around in my head, but my attention span won't allow me to type them out. For now, I will just keep thinking :P



  1. your so funny! your ramblings are very entertaining.

  2. Aww, thanks Amy ^_____^ It is good to know someone is actually reading this :P
