Friday, November 11, 2011

I can't think of a good title, but this is a happy post.

So, before I start with the actual blog, I would just like to inform you that my word of the week seems to be "delightful." I will more than likely use it excessively in this post ^_^
Now to begin.
I had to work today, which I actually wasn't too stoked on. I had wayyyyy too much sugar for breakfast (eggos and hot chocolate-the breakfast of champions ^_^), so I felt rather ill going in. Also, today is a public holiday. This usually means that all the grumpy, nasty people crawl out of their holes to bring absolute joy (please note the sarcasm) to unsuspecting sales people. Deeeeeelightful. *grumpy face*
Today was different. With the exception of ONE disgruntled customer, everyone was wonderful. In fact, most were beyond wonderful; they were the perfect customer-straight to the point, yet open for natural conversation.
There was a tie today for the most delightful costumer.
The first lady was older. At first, she was kind of frustrated with pants sizes, BUT it is amazing what kindness can do to a grumpy face. She started talking about my hair and how she used to do it like that when she was my age. I got to hear some life stories and interesting tidbits. We eventually started talking about classic movie stars. She said I reminded her of some of them, and she was so happy that "there are still some young ladies who know what class is." This is probably the best compliment I have ever received. Live ever ever. I think I may enjoy being called classy even more than I like being called cute, which used to be my favorite (mainly because, to me, cute is more than looks; it is also about personality.)
The second lady was a joy from the moment she walked into the store. She was olderish with an accent. She said "ya" a lot, and made fun of herself for doing so :P She also complimented my hair and said she used to do hers like that. She called me refined ^_^ She asked how I did it, which I explained. A coworker joined in the conversation saying my hair is always nice, and I should start a business. The lady said she would be glad to be my first customer :P (I didn't want to be rude, so I didn't mention how much the thought of touching a strangers head disgusts me XD) The lady wandered away after this, and I continued with whatever it was I was doing. Before she left, she once again complimented me on my hair, and said "When young ladies like you do this, it makes them look older in a nice way and classy. If I was to do this again, I would look like a babushka!" XD Like I said, she was an absolute joy! ^_^
I wish costumers were that wonderful everyday. I would actually enjoy working with people then :P

I had my hair done something like this.
Not the curls, but just at the headband stage.

Another happy things is I FINALLY GOT THE NAKED PALETTE! SOOOO STOKED! The colors are gorgeous, and now I feel like I can throw out a lot of my so-so eyeshadows. yay!

I seem to be in such a good mood lately. I give b-vitamins and multivitamins full credit for this.

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