Saturday, December 10, 2011

Thoughts and Happenings

I will start off with a happening. Actually, I will start off with several happenings.

The First Happening

I bought myself a pet.

No, sadly, it is not a dog (obviously), and, even more sad, it is not alive.

But I am thrilled none-the-less.
These are photos of it hatching ^_^ (If you scroll down slowly this may even be suspenseful ^_^ )




Drum roll please!

 (Just pretend there is a cool cymbal crash at the end...)


 He isn't fully grown yet, but I will post pictures when he is ^_^

....if I remember to...

 (Just so you know the trouble I went through- getting those four pictures in that order and arranged like that took at least forty-five minutes. That is how excited I am to show him to you!)

Next happening:
I did my nails. woo. This was a actually a while ago, so only my thumb and pinky nail are still on. :P

 Funny video break:


It's a whole lot funnier if you have watched this before:

These are haystacks.
Delicious, delicious haystacks.

Just a quick call home

In case you are curious what we talk about,
phone calls with Shaylea usually go like this:
"'Have you seen  (insert youtube video name here?"
" it funny?"
"OMG yeessss! You have to watch it right now!!'

x 20

add a few "No. K. No. K. No. K. No" story times from Shaylea, and VOILA! that is a typical Shaylea/Stephanie phone convo. :)
Now you know.

If you were not wondering, that was an awful waste of your time to read that, silly goose.

That is it for happenings. Now to random thoughts of the last couple months.

-"Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck." -Dalai Lama

-If you want a gentleman, be a lady. Prince Charming never likes the ugly step sister for a reason.

-Sometimes I do things that I know will annoy myself, just to see if I can practice being not annoyed.
....Practice doesn't usually last long.


-The quote "Life isn't about finding yourself; it's about creating yourself" seems to be going around a lot lately. I would like to challenge that thinking by saying this:

What if life isn't about you?

 I really don't think it is.

My older sister is the best older sister ever. Seriously. I am sorry if you have an older sister and want to debate this with me, but don't even try. You. Will. Lose. Shandra is the best. Ever. I am even an older sister; and, even though I am a pretty darn fantastic older sister, I am still not nearly as wonderful as she is. And no, this is not Shandra typing in my blog because I left my computer open and forgot about it and went off to do some other silly little thing, this is me, Stephanie, saying Shandra is the best. Even though the me forgetting scenario is one hundred percent plausible. 
I forget a lot.

Like before this I was making wonderful Christmas presents.

And before that...I don't remember. Something to do with food I think.

And sometime earlier today I was studying. Kind of important. 


I always start of a post hoping that, for once, things will flow nicely and fonts will stay the same. 

There is always next time I guess.

Goodnight. Sweet dreams.  I am too tired to look over this to see how many errors I have made. Feel free to point them all out to me and make fun.


Sunday, November 20, 2011

Witty titles are hard to think up.

It's amazing how quickly life changes.
Stephanie five years ago is much different than Stephanie at present.
It's weird to think of how different I (and, hopefully, life) will be in five years. CraaAAAaAAAaaAazy!

Thought of the day I suppose.
Although, I am definitely more curious about why the apartment floor keeps rumbling. This most definitely concerns me.

On to cool things.

I would very much like one of these.

And these:

Part of my dream home will include a Zelda wall. Complete with a life size Link statue, mini deku tree, full-size Hylian Shield and Master Sword, blue ocarina, and bunny hood. 

*siiiiiiiiigh* I <3 Link =^_^= Now if he was only real...

And that made me lose my trail of thought. I was going somewhere with this. Oh well.

Link is a good note to end on.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Think. Think. Think

If you had to describe yourself in just one word, what would it be?  What would you choose to communicate as the very core of yourself; the most important aspect to convey?
What would you have others know you by?

I have always been interested in how others see me. I have a very defined (albeit ever changing) way of seeing myself; I'm curious if others view me the same way. Does anybody else think of this? It is not a worried or concerned, "What do they think of me?"-not the sort of question that seeks approval or even attention. Just merely a question of how others view the world, or rather, my minute part of it. 

Part of this curiosity comes from my habit of trying to speculate the reasoning and thoughts of others. I always wonder if the way I am interpreting what they are doing is the way they actually intended it; if the way I perceive them is the way they perceive themselves.


When I started writing this post, I had a much more elaborate thought. Now tiredness has set in, and I want nothing more than to sleep. I will finish writing this post after I rethink of how  to conclude it.
Hopefully this made some sort of sense,

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I think I may be developing an attention span problem thing...

I would just like to inform you that, because of yesterday's post, I have a song stuck in my head that goes something like this:

"Who's that girl? What's her name?
Is she cool? Is she lame?

Note: Each of those lines are sung in the tune of their respective theme song.

I hope, you too, can share in the joy of having this stuck in your head ^_^


Monday, November 14, 2011

Who's that girl, what's her name, is she cool? is she lame?

I have one million thoughts I would like to share.
So I will.
Not literally a million though. I could, but you would most certainly tire of me.
And I do not want that.
I like you.
I think.

While doing a grammar check on a letter to a friend, I discovered I frequently talk using the passive voice. Not of any significance, I just thought this was an interesting tidbit.

Also, I had a moment of nostalgia last night. While browsing through youtube, I stumbled upon a video of 90's cartoon theme music.
I started with:
I was actually more into Digimon and Beyblade 

Which lead me to:

Which lead me to:

Which led me to:

This was probably my favorite cartoon.

And I'll stop there, because I am actually getting away from the point I was going to make.

Which is:
I think last night I discovered why I like red hair sooooo much.
I credit the cartoons I watched growing up. Take Pepper Ann. Red hair. Weird. Fantastic.
Sally Acorn.
So I don't actually remember much about Sally Acorn, besides her hair color. I do distinctively remember desperately wanting to be her though. For serious.

I had a longer train of thought for this, but I got redistracted with cartoon themes. Point being. Cartoons changed my life ;)

Although, if I was to choose a theme song that defines my childhood tv watching it would be a toss up between

Although, I am not saying Voyager was my favorite Star Trek. It is not. I am just saying I remember always watching it. Always.
That and Road to Avonly and Wind at My Back....


But let's just focus on the cool things, shall we? :P

I also remember begging my basketball coach to cut practice short so I could make it home in time for Stargate (yeah, I played basketball in elementary school. I thought I was soooo good. I probably sucked in reality, but, whatever. Confidence is key). I had THE BIGGEST CRUSH on Daniel Jackson. Like seriously. Huge crush. If I could have any job, it would be his. The only thing that would make it/him more perfect is if he painted. That would be cool. Like the cherry on top.

My language and writing style has been going all over. My apologies. Slight fangirl moment >_>

I think, tomorrow, I might skip class and just draw people.  
This thought was special, so it deserved it's own font.

The digit ratio of A. afarensis does not interest me.

So I will share with you this quote.

"I desire the company of a man who could sympathize with me, whose eyes would reply to mine. You may deem me romantic, my dear sister, but I bitterly feel the want of a friend. I have no one near me, gentle yet courageous, possessed of a cultivated as well as of a capacious mind, whose tastes are like my own, to approve or amend my plans. How would such a friend repair the faults of your poor brother! I am too ardent in execution and too impatient of difficulties."
Letter 2, Frankenstein.
Mary Shelly

I relate to this at the moment.

Friday, November 11, 2011

I can't think of a good title, but this is a happy post.

So, before I start with the actual blog, I would just like to inform you that my word of the week seems to be "delightful." I will more than likely use it excessively in this post ^_^
Now to begin.
I had to work today, which I actually wasn't too stoked on. I had wayyyyy too much sugar for breakfast (eggos and hot chocolate-the breakfast of champions ^_^), so I felt rather ill going in. Also, today is a public holiday. This usually means that all the grumpy, nasty people crawl out of their holes to bring absolute joy (please note the sarcasm) to unsuspecting sales people. Deeeeeelightful. *grumpy face*
Today was different. With the exception of ONE disgruntled customer, everyone was wonderful. In fact, most were beyond wonderful; they were the perfect customer-straight to the point, yet open for natural conversation.
There was a tie today for the most delightful costumer.
The first lady was older. At first, she was kind of frustrated with pants sizes, BUT it is amazing what kindness can do to a grumpy face. She started talking about my hair and how she used to do it like that when she was my age. I got to hear some life stories and interesting tidbits. We eventually started talking about classic movie stars. She said I reminded her of some of them, and she was so happy that "there are still some young ladies who know what class is." This is probably the best compliment I have ever received. Live ever ever. I think I may enjoy being called classy even more than I like being called cute, which used to be my favorite (mainly because, to me, cute is more than looks; it is also about personality.)
The second lady was a joy from the moment she walked into the store. She was olderish with an accent. She said "ya" a lot, and made fun of herself for doing so :P She also complimented my hair and said she used to do hers like that. She called me refined ^_^ She asked how I did it, which I explained. A coworker joined in the conversation saying my hair is always nice, and I should start a business. The lady said she would be glad to be my first customer :P (I didn't want to be rude, so I didn't mention how much the thought of touching a strangers head disgusts me XD) The lady wandered away after this, and I continued with whatever it was I was doing. Before she left, she once again complimented me on my hair, and said "When young ladies like you do this, it makes them look older in a nice way and classy. If I was to do this again, I would look like a babushka!" XD Like I said, she was an absolute joy! ^_^
I wish costumers were that wonderful everyday. I would actually enjoy working with people then :P

I had my hair done something like this.
Not the curls, but just at the headband stage.

Another happy things is I FINALLY GOT THE NAKED PALETTE! SOOOO STOKED! The colors are gorgeous, and now I feel like I can throw out a lot of my so-so eyeshadows. yay!

I seem to be in such a good mood lately. I give b-vitamins and multivitamins full credit for this.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Life. Is. Amazing.

Dearest life. You are wonderful. I am excited. No, make that nervous. I am fantastically nervous for what is in store. I love this feeling. It is like falling in love. But not with some silly boy/man/person, but with possibilities, with the endless, magnificent possibilities of the future. Life. Is. Amazing.

This may just be the meds talking, but...

I have decided I want to be a beautiful person. No, I do not mean an attractive person, or a pretty person, or person who has artificial beauty. This has nothing to do with looks. This has to do with the inside, the soul, the very core of one's being. I want people to meet me and be inspired, or, at the very least, be curious. I want to change things, people, situations. No more just settling or just doing. I want to be, to live. I want an adventure, my adventure, to begin. I want to be able to overcome fears and insecurities, and to be honest about said fears and insecurities. No more being afraid of people and the damage they are capable of inflicting. I want to realize the endless potential and beauty in every person  I want to be able to express my thoughts and feelings in a way that truly connects with people. I want to be genuine, to be nice. To be absolutely wonderful to everyone.

To be sincerely beautiful.

This is what I want.

....I would also like to be neater/more organized. Not as "woah golly gee" deep, but it goes with the whole "self-improvement" theme of this post. :)

Monday, August 29, 2011

"Having a luck dragon with you is the only way to go on a quest. "

It's weird, this whole "being grown up" thing. I know I should feel different...but I really don't. As awfully immature as this might be, I still think almost the exact same way I did as when I was little. I still hold out hope that, one day, Peter Pan will show up apologetically at my window sill, explaining it's all Tinkerbell's fault that he had not arrived sooner. He will take me away to Never Never Land, where we will spend our days teasing old, smelly pirates....but that's only if Navi or Falcor don't beat him to that window sill of mine ^_~
Deep down, although probably not quite as deep as one would expect for someone of my age, there is part of me that secretly hopes that my dog is actually a dragon in disguise. In fact, if this is the case, she will not die; but merely get tired of pretending to be something as trivial as a dog.
I guess the only difference between when I was younger and now, is I just know these thoughts aren't really ones I should generally share with others if I am, or ever will be, interested in being friends with them :)

Anywho, enough of the random thoughts I had while in the bathtub. On to the life update.

My beloved darling Hurbert has died. He developed this thing called dropsy and, despite my serious devotion to his treatment routine, he passed away yesterday afternoon. I will miss him dearly, although my two other fishes seem rather glad that he is gone. Insensitive, I know. They have
been extremely sociable and happier than I have ever seen them :\

This blog is going all over the place. I apologize.

I changed my plug in my bathroom (to have aforementioned bath) today and HOLY BAJEZERS! I don't think that drain had EVER been clean. Like never ever never. I was going to film me taking out the plug, but I decided I would be a good friend and save you the awful image of what I pulled out of there. The only words to describe it are slimy and beyond absolutely disgusting. I will say no more on this matter.

I think that's it for now. I can't really think of anything else that has happened. OH! I did attempt to make Yorkshire pudding with my roast chicken yesterday. It turned out as Yorkshire flatbread. Yay me >_<

Monday, August 15, 2011

Holy Bajesus, Beauty and the Beast is SOO Dramatic!

This could have also been titled, "I think Gaston is the reason I don't find super muscley men attractive." or "WHAT THE EFF DID THEY DO TO THE COLORS?!"

So Shandra and I are watching Beauty and the Beast, because...I actually forget now. Something to do with remembering songs from it, I think. Anyways. They ruined my childhood. This is not how the movie is supposed to be. It is bright. And now there is some stupid song about being human. This. Is. Ridiculous.

Anywho. On to something less whiny...
Today, I was researching dog breeds. Yes, that is something I do for fun in my spare time. Anwyhos...I was looking at what kind of dog I should *hypothetically* get. So, first off, I was looking just randomly. I was interested in the Affenpinscher...mostly because, when it is groomed, it looks exactly like an Ewok ^_^ But, that thought didn't last long. I then found a video of cute little Italian Greyhounds playing with each other. And I fell in want. THEY ARE FREAKEN ADORABLE!!! However, upon further research, I discovered that the break easy annnnd have a bit of an attitude problem (they will poo in the house just to get back at youO_o) and they are incredibly difficult to housetrain. Not exactly the type of dog I would call ideal. I decided that maybe the next size up would be less breakable...that would at least get rid one of the issues. Turns out they are not really like the li'l greyhounds at all. Nicer, easy to train, but require a poop load more excerise, and, like most sighthounds, can't really be let off leash and are near impossible to recal. Less than ideal again. BUT a few rabbit trail links later, I found out about a longhaired variety. Prettier, but with the same problems.
(Side note: I just realized that, instead of just pressing caps lock, I hold down the shift key with my ring finger on my left hand, and continue typing with the rest of my fingers. Does anyone else do that??)  They are called Silken Windhound. They aren't a fully recognized breed, which usually turns me off a breed, BUT this isn't just some oodle-poo sillyness type breeding :P They lady that bred them original bred Borzois, but wanted to start on a second breed; one that was smaller than the Borzoi. Instead of going through the WHOLE history right here, click this link for the entire breed history annnd pretty pictures :)
So yeah, I am in MAJOR want. My dog mood goes changes so often though. Just a few weeks ago, I thought the perfect breed for me was a Neapolitan Mastiff. Quite a change, eh?

The little blinky thing that says where I am writing disappeared about five sentences back, and I am having an incredibly hard time typing without for some strange reason....

I also painted today. I will post a picture tomorrow, or whenever I actually think it is a finished enough to show off :P

And that concludes my rather successful day of non room/house cleaning. I own at procrastination... ^_^

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Excuse the poor grammar and spelling errors-I'm half asleep and half in la la land.

Ahhh, a mixed emotion day. Work was lovely-ish. A bit frazzling, but that is just because people are stupid. And annoying. And stupid. haha But I guess that is all apart of working retail; yaaaaaaay >_<

Anywho, I am in a thinking mood. Or, some sort of mood that just wants to ramble about what I have been thinking about, so that is what I am going to do.
Recently, I have been thinking more seriously about what on earth I want to do with my life. Like serious life planning :P And I am not much for future planning; I know that things getting effed up or turn out better than expected, so it usually just seems pointless to me. However, having filled out my application for school loans and such, I have come to realize that life (at least these next couple years of it) are going to be too darn expensive to just go willy-nilly through them. They deserve attention and planning. So that's what I did. Or started to do anyways.
I really enjoy languages. I love learning how other people think and learn and live and the like, and learning/knowing their language is a really good stepping stone to understanding them. I have had so many instances in life where I know if I could've just spoken even a few words of someone's language, I would have been able to help them so much more. This is kind of a side note, but one thing that really pisses me off is when someone just doesn't take the time to try to figure out what someone who isn't as skilled in English is trying to say. More often than not, if you actually understand how English is different from other languages (like grammar wise) and if you have a decent vocabulary yourself, figuring out what they are trying to say is not difficult at all! Anywho, back to whatever I was saying before; I think I am in a" making a difference/helping the world" phase. Kind of that whole "be the change you want to see in the world" thing. It just bugs me that people don't take the time to understand others; that people don't consider what background others come from when dealing with them. Iunno, is this ramble making sense? If you are reading this and don't understand, ASK QUESTIONS! I want to interact with people :P
I have no clue if this is the appropriate time to start a new paragraph or not, but I am going to. For school now, I am thinking about doing a major in modern languages with a minor in east asian studies. Just a thought though. I change my mind a lot. :P
There's a lot more rumbling around in my head, but my attention span won't allow me to type them out. For now, I will just keep thinking :P


Friday, August 12, 2011

What?! Interesting Tidbits??? NOT ALLOWED!

Today was a very informative day regarding what I should expect when it comes to people at school. Apparently, it isn't just the Christian kids who go off to school to find "the one"; I guess it is something the secular kids are doing too! :O Which, to me, isn't exactly good news. I was already not looking for to interacting with strange people. Don't get me wrong, I think people are pretty interesting, I just am incredibly socially awkward when it comes to meeting new people :P So, the thought of having strange boy men approaching me really isn't that appealing to me. Not in the least bit. I will have to find a solution to this.

On a different note though, I am looking for recommendations on video recording things. My nice camera doesn't do videos *sad face* so I need to find buy something that does :P Then I can do cool video updates :D I also forgot the cord for my little point-and-shoot camera, so I can't even use that :\ Silliness...

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Can you tell I'm in a bad mood?

I hate Edmonton.


Wasting life (and money) apparently.

Friday, July 8, 2011


As I mentioned in my last post, I moved to Edmonton :)
I am sure I had many stories of awesome to share, but seeing how it took almost a month for us to get our internet modem, I have forgotten them. For now, I will just do a quick update on what has happened in the last month :)

First (and most exciting) thing:
I GOT FISHIES!!! I have posted this fact a bazzillion times on other social media sources, but I just LOVE talking about them, so I will continue to do so.
I have three fancy goldfish.

One black moor (Hubert), who is either really smart or really stupid. I love him either way though :P He is usually just chillen in the castle or behind the castle in the bubbles, trying to get away from Tael's nipping :\

two calico fantails


They pretty much do everything together, although Tael is always the first to check new things out. Tatl just sort of follows him and aides in his bullying of Hubert. You can't see it in this pciture, but Tatl's left eye is all black. I don't know if that is because she is missing it, or if that is just the way it is colored.

Second thing:
Canada Day in Edmonton is wayyyyy cooler than Canada Day in FSJ.


Third thing:
The bus isn't as scary as I thought.

I went to Southgate to drop off some resumes. That was an experience and a half, but I won't post many details in case potential employers happen upon this little blog of mine. One thing I will share is my embarrassing moment of the day. I went into a store (not going to say which one) to ask if they were hiring. I also wanted to look at guy's graphic tees. So, I went boldly into the store to look for a second while the lady at the counter was helping someone else. Naturally, because I am in the guy's side of the store, someone asks if I need help finding anything. I turn around to say, "Yes, I was wondering if you're hiring," but I turn around to see a BEAUTIFUL Asian man was the one who asked me. He made me lose my words :( Soooo, needless to say, I did not ask if they were hiring, but just shook my head and meandered my way to the exit. Yay for looking like a moron in front of beautiful people >_<

Anywho, back to the bus.

After I was finished handing out resumes, I had to take the LRT then bus home. I was pretty intimidated. An ideal situation would have been Shandra going with me, but she had to work so she could not :( I first went in the wrong door, or so I thought anyways. I went back outside to find the stairs' door. Found it, and realized I could have just gone down the hallway with the first door. Rookie mistake I suppose. The rest of the LRT ride was pretty boring. I saw some more beautiful people (this is where they have been hiding!!) and awkwardly sat by myself, trying to not look at anyone lest they start a conversation with me. The bus terminal was a bit more eventful. The weather outside today is less than enjoyable-windy and rainy. It feels more like late fall here >_< It took me a while to find the right bus stop at the terminal. I guess I looked like a seasoned pro (ha!) because a group of tourists asked me how to get to West Edmonton Mall from there. I offered to look it up on my phone for them (another side note- I would have died without my Google Maps app today!), but the directions were too complicated for them to remember so they left to find someone who actually knew what they were doing. After waiting for what seemed like forever, and thinking I had missed my bus, the bus arrived, albeit a bit later than both Google Maps and TransitASSIST had said. Then I went home haha Nothing even remotely exciting happened on the bus ride back :P

That's all the new news I can remember. I will update with more Canada day and miscellaneous photo's when I download my pictures from my other camera :)


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Two Sentences

Tomorrow is my last day in FSJ.
Not sure how I feel about that yet.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Life Update

Soooo, I haven't posted for a while. Ooops. I really haven't had much to talk about. My life has consisted mostly of...
1. Obsessing over this man.

(Who I am sure is the most beautiful man. Ever)
(I think I said that about someone else before...)

2. Taking a lot of pictures of this creature

3. More obsessing over this man

(Golly gosh, he sure is handsome!)
4. Putting all my things into boxes, becauuuuuuuuse I'M MOVING!!!!!
I wish I could say it was to someplace fantastic and far, far away; but, it's not, so I won't lie :P
I am moving to Edmonton to stay with my older sister- I would post a picture of her too, but I don't have a recent one really...
This September, I will be attending school- I-will-not-name-because-I-don't-want-my-stalker-ex-to-follow-me ^_^ Not 100% sure of what my ultimate goal in school will be. For now, I am just going to take first year courses and as many language courses as possible ^_^

Soooooo, yeah, I'll post picks of the apartment after I get all moved and settled in :)

(Soooooooooo prrreeetty *_*)

*Side note: I wish I could post proper credit for all the T.O.P pictures,
but these were just saved images I had on my computer.
They were most likely taken from
That site should have proper credit listed :)

**Extra side note: That creature is my dog, Ginger.
I took that picture.
Yay me.

***Extra, extra side note:
:) Smiley faces just
make the day