Saturday, February 13, 2016


I might start doing this again. I liked it.

It is nice to have a stream of consciousness type thing going on. 

And it may even aid in developing ways to avoid descriptions such as "type thing"

Which would definitely be a bonus.

Birthdays bring out the worst in me.*

*unrelated to blog post

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Is It Conceited to Find One's Past Self Interesting?

Are "past self" event the right words for it?

Who knows?

I don't.

It is a good thing that blogger is integrated with Google. If it were not, I would not have remembered how to even log in.


This used to be fun. I wonder how I did that.

It is hard to think of things that I am okay with the whole world potentially knowing. And when I think of that, I wonder if it is alright to think of one's own world being interesting enough for all the other worlds to even be remotely curious enough to want to be informed of it.

I like the words I used.

Not now, but before.

I think I used to mention current obsessions of mine. 
It is too late to post links though.

Let's just sleep.

Monday, February 20, 2012

The Radish Spirit Doesn't Need A Boyfriend.

Thought of the day: Why would I want a "boyfriend"? Boy means immature and friend suggests platonic feelings. I don't know about you, but I'm not really looking for an immature, platonic relationship.

(from a conversation with Little One)

So, I've been painting again lately. I seem to really enjoy water-colors ^_^
The picture quality isn't the greatest (I used my phone's camera), but oh well...

All the other pictures have captions. I didn't want this one to feel left out.

The words still need the drips/blue added.
I don't really have anything more to say on the topic of painting...
ALTHOUGH I did see something really cool on the internet. There is a company that makes water-colour wall paper!!!!! HOW AMAZING IS THAT!?!? 

(Answer: Pretty darn amazing)

I don't remember the last thing I shared. It has been a while since I blogged...

I've been though this phase:
I still want one though
This phase:
I get ready to this every morning

This phase:

Most of you won't understand, but that is alright.

This phase:
This isn't really a phase, but more of a subtle reminder that some of you still owe me a "happy birthday" ^_^

And this phase:

There is no end in sight for this one
You all will just have to put up with it :P
With a great deal of focus on:

Also, with the discovery of pinterest and tumblr I have yet another way to completely avoid school work for hours and hours on end ^_^

It's really weird to think that I am now twenty-two. 22. TWENTY-TWO. (Two is a very funny looking word)
This is the first year in a long time that I wasn't absolutely gutted at the realization that yet another year had passed and I had done very little with it.
I did lots.
It's rather crazy to think about.
Now, you might be thinking, "Stephanie, all you did was move."
Well, yeaahhhh, but not only did I move, I also started school. SCHOOOOOOL. I honestly never thought I would go back. And, you know what I found out?

I really do hate it as much as I thought I would.

But that's alright. I tried it. I might even stay with it for awhile. Who knows!

Another accomplishment of the year
I can now comfortably talk to most strangers. Talking to someone on the lrt when I first moved here was probably the second most terrifying thing I could possibly think of, the first being merely taking transit by myself. Now I do both pretty much everyday.

Yes, those probably seem insignificant and silly to you; but, to me, they are a pretty big deal to me. It's pretty darn cool realizing that things aren't really as scary as I think they are ^_^

On a completely unrelated note, 

Why doesn't the radish spirit from Spirited Away get more love?!
Those chicken things are pretty cute too.

His level of awesome is right up there with Totoro, and I feel he definitely deserve a lot more love than he gets. Seriously, he is ADORABLE!

I feel that is a good note to leave on


Saturday, December 10, 2011

Thoughts and Happenings

I will start off with a happening. Actually, I will start off with several happenings.

The First Happening

I bought myself a pet.

No, sadly, it is not a dog (obviously), and, even more sad, it is not alive.

But I am thrilled none-the-less.
These are photos of it hatching ^_^ (If you scroll down slowly this may even be suspenseful ^_^ )




Drum roll please!

 (Just pretend there is a cool cymbal crash at the end...)


 He isn't fully grown yet, but I will post pictures when he is ^_^

....if I remember to...

 (Just so you know the trouble I went through- getting those four pictures in that order and arranged like that took at least forty-five minutes. That is how excited I am to show him to you!)

Next happening:
I did my nails. woo. This was a actually a while ago, so only my thumb and pinky nail are still on. :P

 Funny video break:


It's a whole lot funnier if you have watched this before:

These are haystacks.
Delicious, delicious haystacks.

Just a quick call home

In case you are curious what we talk about,
phone calls with Shaylea usually go like this:
"'Have you seen  (insert youtube video name here?"
" it funny?"
"OMG yeessss! You have to watch it right now!!'

x 20

add a few "No. K. No. K. No. K. No" story times from Shaylea, and VOILA! that is a typical Shaylea/Stephanie phone convo. :)
Now you know.

If you were not wondering, that was an awful waste of your time to read that, silly goose.

That is it for happenings. Now to random thoughts of the last couple months.

-"Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck." -Dalai Lama

-If you want a gentleman, be a lady. Prince Charming never likes the ugly step sister for a reason.

-Sometimes I do things that I know will annoy myself, just to see if I can practice being not annoyed.
....Practice doesn't usually last long.


-The quote "Life isn't about finding yourself; it's about creating yourself" seems to be going around a lot lately. I would like to challenge that thinking by saying this:

What if life isn't about you?

 I really don't think it is.

My older sister is the best older sister ever. Seriously. I am sorry if you have an older sister and want to debate this with me, but don't even try. You. Will. Lose. Shandra is the best. Ever. I am even an older sister; and, even though I am a pretty darn fantastic older sister, I am still not nearly as wonderful as she is. And no, this is not Shandra typing in my blog because I left my computer open and forgot about it and went off to do some other silly little thing, this is me, Stephanie, saying Shandra is the best. Even though the me forgetting scenario is one hundred percent plausible. 
I forget a lot.

Like before this I was making wonderful Christmas presents.

And before that...I don't remember. Something to do with food I think.

And sometime earlier today I was studying. Kind of important. 


I always start of a post hoping that, for once, things will flow nicely and fonts will stay the same. 

There is always next time I guess.

Goodnight. Sweet dreams.  I am too tired to look over this to see how many errors I have made. Feel free to point them all out to me and make fun.


Sunday, November 20, 2011

Witty titles are hard to think up.

It's amazing how quickly life changes.
Stephanie five years ago is much different than Stephanie at present.
It's weird to think of how different I (and, hopefully, life) will be in five years. CraaAAAaAAAaaAazy!

Thought of the day I suppose.
Although, I am definitely more curious about why the apartment floor keeps rumbling. This most definitely concerns me.

On to cool things.

I would very much like one of these.

And these:

Part of my dream home will include a Zelda wall. Complete with a life size Link statue, mini deku tree, full-size Hylian Shield and Master Sword, blue ocarina, and bunny hood. 

*siiiiiiiiigh* I <3 Link =^_^= Now if he was only real...

And that made me lose my trail of thought. I was going somewhere with this. Oh well.

Link is a good note to end on.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Think. Think. Think

If you had to describe yourself in just one word, what would it be?  What would you choose to communicate as the very core of yourself; the most important aspect to convey?
What would you have others know you by?

I have always been interested in how others see me. I have a very defined (albeit ever changing) way of seeing myself; I'm curious if others view me the same way. Does anybody else think of this? It is not a worried or concerned, "What do they think of me?"-not the sort of question that seeks approval or even attention. Just merely a question of how others view the world, or rather, my minute part of it. 

Part of this curiosity comes from my habit of trying to speculate the reasoning and thoughts of others. I always wonder if the way I am interpreting what they are doing is the way they actually intended it; if the way I perceive them is the way they perceive themselves.


When I started writing this post, I had a much more elaborate thought. Now tiredness has set in, and I want nothing more than to sleep. I will finish writing this post after I rethink of how  to conclude it.
Hopefully this made some sort of sense,

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I think I may be developing an attention span problem thing...

I would just like to inform you that, because of yesterday's post, I have a song stuck in my head that goes something like this:

"Who's that girl? What's her name?
Is she cool? Is she lame?

Note: Each of those lines are sung in the tune of their respective theme song.

I hope, you too, can share in the joy of having this stuck in your head ^_^